The history of the Holy rosary

_*"The Rosary is a very beautiful prayer and rich in grace, it is a prayer that closely touches the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of God... and if you want peace to reign in your homes, pray the Rosary in the family" (Holy Father St. Pius X) *_ *Introduction* Every October (10) Catholics are invited to pray the Rosary for the whole month. The main goal is to praise and thank the Virgin Mary for her motherly intercession for us humans. The 10th month is another opportunity to go to the Virgin Mary and share our joy, gratitude, hardships, challenges and expectations through the Holy Rosary which gives us the opportunity to contemplate the mysteries of Jesus and Mary's life in the journey of our salvation. So while we are in the Month of the Rosary, I thought it would be good to bring you, at least briefly, the history of the Holy Rosary. *

1. Origin of the word "Rosary"* The English word "rosary" comes from the Latin word *"Rozarium"* which means *"rose garden"* (rose garden) or *"crown of roses".* According to the custom of European people to give flowers roses are one of the actions aimed at showing high love for a certain person, especially when happy or sad; roses are also a great gift of love, especially between lovers. We Christians, Mother Virgin Mary is our lover and the greatest gift we can give her is to "pray the rosary" which is "our roses to her". According to tradition, roses, especially white ones, represent the Immaculate Virgin Mary, that is, she is as white as a white rose. 

2. Early history of the Rosary* In the first era of Christianity (3rd and 4th century) there were Monks and Hermits who decided to live the gospel to the fullest and thus decided to live a solitary life either individually or as a group. The monks decided to live together while their main goal was to *pray and live the advice of the gospel which is purity of heart, obedience and poverty.* The monks at that time were scholars even though they were few. So they decided, as part of their prayer life, to pray all 150 Psalms every day. However, later they decided that they should at least pray all 150 Psalms a week. In order to be able to count them while praying without mixing them, they decided to collect either gravel, small fruit seeds or 150 pebbles and every time they finished one psalm they took one gravel, seed or pebble and threw it into a container such as a bucket or a basket or a bag to know that they had reached the psalm of how many Later, in order to be able to count better and more easily, they decided to use a long rope on which they put 150 knots equal to the total of all 150 psalms. The common people who lived near the houses of the monks wanted to join them and pray the 150 psalms. Unfortunately, most of those people did not know how to read or write and even the printing technology was still very low and even most of them did not have enough time of being able to pray all the psalms. So in order to show their intention to pray 150 psalms with the monks, the neighbors decided that they will be praying the Our Father prayer 150 times while the monks pray all 150 psalms. fruits, stones or gravel. *Later they started using beads passed on a string (string of beads).* Even today we use a Rosary made in that way. It is said that St. Peter Damiani in the 11th century advised to pray 150 Hail Marys instead of 150 Our Fathers. However, since then Christiansthey began to pray 150 Hail Marys while continuing to use a rope with 150 knots or 150 beads passed through the rope to help them pray properly. Later in 1365, a monk named Henry of Kalkari (1328-1408) distributed 150 Hail Marys in 15 groups with 10 Hail Marys each. He also placed Our Father after every 10 Hail Marys. So the Rosary prayer had 10 Hail Marys repeated 15 times accompanied by Our Father after every 10 Hail Marys. Although we today use a Rosary with about 50 Hail Marys, there is still a Rosary that has a total of 150 Hail Marys at the same time. 

*3. St. Dominic and the history of the Rosary* 
Although St. Dominic who never said or wrote that he was born of the Virgin Mary and was given the Rosary and taught to pray so that he could teach others, the narrative involves St. Dominic as the source of the Rosary as we know it today. Blessed Allan de la Roche in his writings claims that he was revealed in a dream and saw St. Dominic being given a rosary by the Virgin Mary. In addition to Dominic mentioned by Blessed Allan de la Roche, many Holy Fathers have also mentioned St. Dominic as the person responsible for the origin of the rosary in its present form. It is said that at that time there was a group of heretics, especially in France and Italy, who were going to the people and teaching wrong teachings while rejecting the mystery of the incarnation (the second soul of God taking flesh and becoming human), they opposed the teaching of the Church on the existence of the sacraments and were promoting actions that the Church taught were evil. St. Dominic fought them with incense and incense but his efforts did not bear much fruit. According to Blessed Allan de la Roche, the Virgin Mary appeared to St. Dominic in 1214 and told him that in order to defeat the heretics he should spread the rosary and thus teach St. Dominic. Once he started praying and teaching it to other people, that group of heretics completely disappeared because most of them were converted and repeated the true teachings. Thus, through the Holy Rosary, the Church gained victory over the heretics. So it happened at the time of St. Dominic until 1930, the Rosary had a total of five prayers: *The Apostles' Creed, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father, Our Father and Hail the Queen.* These prayers were not placed only on one day to complete the Rosary, but were placed in different periods of the history of the Rosary. In the apparition of the Virgin Mary to three children (Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta) in Fatima, Portugal on July 13, 1917, the Virgin Mary instructed the children to add the words *"O Good Jesus, forgive us our sins, protect us from eternal fire, guide all souls in heaven, especially for those who need your mercy the most"* after Hail Mary 10. This prayer is called the Fatima Prayer. In 1930, the Church clearly stated that the Fatima Prayer should be used by all Christians of the whole church when they recite the Rosary. This prayer made the rosary have a total of 6 prayers. From the 16th century to the beginning of the 21st century there were three groups of mysteries of the Rosary: ​​Mysteries of Joy, Mysteries of Glory and Mysteries of Sorrow. In 2001, Pope John Paul II added the Mysteries of Light. The main intention was to make believers reflect on the life of Jesus between his birth and your Passion.
4. *Why is the 10th month the month of the Rosary?*and the 5th month is* *the month of Mary?* The Church has set the months of May and October as the months to honor the Virgin Mary. Most of us are only aware of the mooni October *The month of May is the month of the Virgin Mary because the Virgin Mary appeared to Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta in Fatima, Portugal for the first time on May 13, 1917* the main message being to worry about the salvation of human souls through praying the rosary and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Virgin Mary. The 10th month is the month to pray the Holy Rosary. The analysis of the 10th month has its basis in the history of the Church. The Turkish Muslims in the 1500s decided to use the opening of the Protestant secession movement from the Catholic Church. So they decided to invade European countries to spread their religion by force of sword and war by forcing Christians to become Muslims. *October 7, 1571 Turkish Muslims decided to invade Italy by starting a naval war known as the Battle of Lepanto (Greece).* The Holy Father at that time was Pius V. The Holy Father clearly knew that the Muslims were more numerous than the Christians that the Muslims had more warships than the Christians. However, the Holy Father ordered his army, supported by soldiers from Spain, to go to sea to fight the Muslims. The Holy Father ordered every soldier to carry the Rosary and pray it when they are at war in the water; he also ordered the Italian citizens who remained at home to make large demonstrations while praying the Rosary to ask for the help of the Virgin Mary so that Christians can win the war. He himself prayed the Rosary on the day of October 7. Soon the news reached the Holy Father that the Christians had won the war and out of the 242 Muslim ships, only 12 ships remained while a total of 30,000 Muslims had been killed, approximately 8,000 were wounded or captured. In the case of Christians, only 7,500 people were either killed or wounded or captured, many of whom later managed to escape. *Holy Father Pius V said that the victory was not due to the professionalism of the soldiers or the quality of military equipment, but it was a victory that resulted from the intercession of the Virgin Mary of the Rosary.* As a result of the victory against the Muslims, Holy Father Pius V officially started the Feast of Our Lady of Victory in 1572. In 1573 Pope Gregory XIII changed the name of the celebration and gave it the name of the Celebration of the Virgin Mary Mother of the Holy Rosary. *In 1884, the Holy Father Leo XIII officially announced that the entire tenth month will be the month of praying the Holy Rosary in memory of the victory that Christians achieved against the Muslims in the battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571. The main goal of declaring the 10th month as the month of The rosary was to praise and thank the Virgin Mary, whose intercession the Christians won on October 7, 1571.* _
Virgin Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary-
Pray for Us


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