

THE LORD'S DAY OR THE SABBATH ? Tim Staples  One of the most attractive teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination is their insistence that Christians must obey the Ten Commandments… all ten of them. They rightly expose the errant thinking among many Protestant Christian sects that claims, “We don’t have to keep the Ten Commandments anymore.” One large problem here, of course, is Jesus does not concur: And behold, one came up to him, saying, “Teacher, what good deed must I do, to have eternal life?” And [Jesus] said to him… “If you would enter life, keep the commandments” (Matt. 19:16-17). The Catholic Church actually agrees with our Seventh-day Adventist friends on this particular point. In fact, we believe we must not only keep the Ten Commandments, but the commandments of Jesus, the Apostles, and the Church as well. Jesus gave us “a new commandment” when he said, “Love one another as I have loved you” in John 13:34. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus repeatedly said, “You...

The Age of Persecution of Church

EARLY CHURCH FATHERS: (Part 1) The Age of Persecution by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. The Catholic Church has been persecuted in every period of her history. However, the first three centuries of the Christian era are commonly known as the Age of Persecution because they show how promptly and aggressively the Church's enemies came to fulfill Christ's prediction to His followers, "If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you." These centuries also give us directives, as we may call them, on how to cope with rejection by the world that rejected Christ. The Acts of the Apostles and the letters of St. Paul provide the revealed foundation for living out the Eighth Beatitude. But the writings of Ignatius, Justin, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Cyprian, and Lactantius show us how the early Christians lived up to - and died for - the great truths that the Savior bequeathed to His faithful. Even a man like Tertullian, though he died estranged from the true faith, highlights the...


LIST OF SINS, VICES OR SPIRITS Father Chad A. Ripperger The following is one of the lists used by exorcists to determine the sin, vice or spirit involved. This list can also be used in the binding prayers given. These are: LYING SPIRITS : Pretension, Unreality, Denial, Delusion/Labyrinth, Convoluted Thinking, Cheating, Neglect of Responsibilities, Irreverence, Circumvention, Folly, Concealment, Blindness of Spirit, Evasiveness, Deceit, Mask, Game Playing, Deception, Illusion, Diversion, Error, Drama, Marionette-Puppet, False, Farce, Hallucination; Smoke & Mirrors, Harlequin Mask, Imitation, Pantomime, Counterfeit, Role Reversal, Fraud, Detraction, Incredulity, Coy, Cunning, Undermining, Aping, Dichotomy, Juggling, Duplicity, Facade, Dual, Showmanship, Theatrics, Show, Acting, Trickery, Magic, Mockery, Appearances, Fantasy, Heresy, Legion, Subversive, Irony, Mimicry. UNCLEAN SPIRITS : Unclean & Offensive Conditions, Compulsiveness to Clean, Involuntary Vices (Obsessive Compulsiv...


DEFENDING PRAYING TO THE SAINTS Kevin Gemma Usually when it comes to the doctrine of the prayers to the saints Protestants would demand the Catholic by saying something like, “Show me in the Bible where it says to pray to Mary or the saints!”. First there are a couple assumptions that needs to be challenged here. And second, Catholics are not obligated to prove it from the Bible because the Bible itself teaches not all of God’s word is handed down in scripture. It was also handed down through sacred oral tradition (2 Thessalonians 2:15; 1 Corinthians 11:2; 2 John 1:12; 2 Timothy 2:1-2; John 21:25). Although we aren’t obligated to prove every teaching from scripture I still believe the doctrine of the intercession of saints can still be argued for from scripture using biblical inferences. 🔶TACKLING PROTESTANT ASSUMPTIONS But before we get to the argument we must first tackle some Protestant assumptions against prayers to the saints 1 - Everything must be explicitly taught in scripture ...


A LIST OF MORTAL SINS The Distinction between two types of sin All sin is an offense against God and a rejection of his perfect love and justice. Yet, Jesus makes a distinction between two types of sins. We call the most serious and grave sins, mortal sins. Mortal sins destroy the grace of God in the heart of the sinner. By their very grave nature, a mortal sin cuts our relationship off from God and turns man away from his creator. St. Paul’s letter to the Hebrews tell us that “if we sin willfully after having the knowledge of the truth, there is now left no sacrifice for sins” (Hebrews 10:26). The second type of sin, venial sin, that of less grave matter, does not cut us off from Christ. However, venial sin does weaken grace in the soul and damages our relationship with God. A person who frequently indulges in venial sin is very likely to collapse into mortal sin if they persist in their evil ways. So what kind of Sins are Mortal? In order for a sin to be mortal, it must meet three co...