

SUN, MOON AND STARS : THE ROLE OF MARY IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION  Fr Michael Hall  Throughout the Christian centuries, the Apocalypse – the “Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to John” – has been a happy hunting ground for heretics and others who wish to gain biblical backing for their predictions for the future.It is perhaps for this reason that the Catholic Church “protects” its Mass goers by severely limiting the number of times it uses the Apocalypse in its lectionary.  Safe, exhortative sections of the “Letters to the Seven Churches”, the vision of the Lamb Who Was Slain, and the All Saints day reading of the holy host gathered before the throne of God. Even during the season of Advent, when one might have thought the readings about the “last things”, the second coming of Christ and the new heaven and new earth would be particularly relevant, there is an absence of the Apocalypse.But there is one other passage that has regular – (or at least annual) – exposure.  The vision of ...


DO MANY GO TO HELL?       John Young The currently prevalent view among Catholics seems to be that if hell is not quite empty, it is very sparsely populated. In examining the question we need to be careful to base our conclusions on objective grounds, not on subjective motives. Yet this is difficult, for the thought of eternal suffering is so appalling that we tend to feel it is too dreadful to be really happening to anyone. A person can discount the danger of damnation because he doesn't want to feel worried or uncomfortable at the thought of going to hell. He knows that an uneasiness would enter his spiritual life if he really faced up to the peril of losing his soul and suffering for ever and ever. This applies particularly to someone who falls into serious sin. Even after being forgiven in confession, he may fear a further lapse. The desire to feel undisturbed may be a powerful psychological factor in his belief that scarcely anyone goes to hell. Another motive for discounting ...


WHY ME? Kabiriko Daniel's Views on Suffering.. Most of us when we suffer wonder, why me. Why do I have to suffer? The meaning of life will be become clearer to us when we realize that we will find purpose in life when our search leads us from why to whom. Suffering does have a human face to it. We have only to look at our Lord Jesus crucified on the Cross and there we will find the meaning of our existence and the answer to our searching and longing. In our suffering we demand answers. We are not satisfied with pietistic platitudes such as "just offer it up" or "you will be just fine." Suffering, especially chronic physical sickness, deep emotional pain and death itself, causes a personal crisis that forces us to go deep into ourselves and ask those questions that are most fundamental to our human existence. It is precisely in the crucible of intense suffering that we either come close to God or rebel against his loving presence. "If anyone wishes to com...

Eli, Eli, la'ma sabach-tha'ni?

*Why Have You Forsaken Me* By Brant Pitre Transcript: So with trial of Jesus and the scourging out of the way, now Matthew moves into the actual crucifixion of Christ and the death of Jesus. And because it is Passion Sunday, I at least would like to read the account of Jesus' death in Matthew. So let's read Matthew 27:32 and following, it says this: As they went out, they came upon a man of Cyre'ne, Simon by name; this man they compelled to carry his cross. And when they came to a place called Gol'gotha (which means the place of a skull), they offered him wine to drink, mingled with gall; but when he tasted it, he would not drink it. Pause there for a moment. Why was it called Golgotha, the place the skull. We don't actually know. We don't know for a fact, but some ancient Church Fathers said that it was because this was a place of execution. So when the Romans would execute people they would do one of two methods. If you were a non-citizen, like Jesus, you woul...

Biblical reasons as why Mary is the new Eve.

*6 Biblical Reasons Mary Is the “New Eve”* Deacon Mike Chesley Listers, Mother Mary is the New Eve. Through St. Paul, Holy Scripture tells us that Christ is the New Adam, and where all died in Adam, all may be made alive in Christ. The comparison between Adam and Christ revealed a parallel in salvation history between the story of humanity’s first parents and the story of humanity’s salvation. Within this parallel, the Virgin Mary plays a role that rightfully entitles her the New Eve. An SPL Introduction: The Necessity of a New Adam & New Eve The New Adam and the New Eve are not poetic titles given to express a certain biblical view. They are necessary roles in salvation history that speak to the recreation of mankind and offering of salvation to all men. Why did the sin of the First Parents affect humanity? Many often ask why the seemingly simple sin of eating of a tree has condemned humanity to suffering in a fallen world. The truth is that humanity is one body, and Adam is the h...


– St. Alphonsus “Thy enemies shall cast a trench about thee.” LUKE xix. 43. SEEING from a distance the city of Jerusalem, in which the Jews were soon to put him to death, Jesus Christ wept over it. “Videns civitatern flevit super illam.” Our merciful Redeemer wept at the consideration of the chastisement which was soon to be inflicted on the city, and which he foretold to her inhabitants. ”Thy enemies shall cast a trench about thee. ” Unhappy city! thou shalt one day see thyself encompassed by enemies, who shall beat thee flat to the ground, and thy children in thee, and shall not leave in thee a stone upon a stone. Most beloved brethren, this unhappy city is a figure of the soul of a sinner, who, at the hour of death, shall find himself surrounded by his enemies first, by remorse of conscience; secondly, by the assaults of the devils; and thirdly, by the fears of eternal death. First Point – The sinner at death shall be tortured by remorse of conscience. 1. “Their soul shall die in a ...


The Bible says, “be angry and do not sin,” and during Jesus’ sinless life He expressed righteous indignation at pivotal moments to teach His us all eternal lessons. Here are six heart issues that incited His anger. 1 - HYPOCRISY  Jesus dealt harshly with those who appeared pious on the outside but had hearts that were far away from God. Referring to a crowd He says, “How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye and then you will clearly see to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” Before we accuse others, we must first examine ourselves and then deal with others graciously. 2 - GREED  Nothing is more telling of Jesus’ outward expression of anger than when He drove out the money changers. Using the church as a vehicle for economic activity, instead of promoting spiritual vitality demonstrates a wrong heart that idolizes money. Jesus saw into their hearts and s...


🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 🙏🏻BELOVED Soul, let's Consider the misery of a soul at enmity with God. She is separated from God her Sovereign Good. Your iniquities, says the Prophet Isaias, have divided between you and your God. Hence the soul is no longer God's, and God is no longer hers. You are not my people and I will not be yours. And the soul not only belongs no longer to God, but God even hates her and condemns her to hell. God does not hate His creatures. He does not hate wild beasts, the viper or the toad. Thou lovest all things that are and hatest none of the things which thou hast made (Wis. 11: 25). But He cannot refrain from hating sinners. Thou hatest all the workers of iniquity (Ps. 5:7). Yes; God cannot but hate sin, which is diametrically opposed to His will; and in hating sin He must necessarily hate the sinner who is united to his sin. But to God the wicked and his wickedness are hateful alike (Wis. 14:9). 😭O God! if a man has for his enemy a monarch of the earth, ...

Daniel kabiriko et la question du baptême.

Nous sommes un mélange de corps et d'âme L'une est visible, l'autre invisible. De la même manière, notre purification est également double, c'est-à-dire par l'eau et l'Esprit. L'un est reçu visiblement dans le corps, l'autre y consent invisiblement et en dehors du corps. Celui qui vient en aide à notre première naissance nous rend nouveaux, au lieu de vieux et comme Dieu, au lieu de ce que nous sommes maintenant. Il nous refond, sans feu et nous crée à nouveau, sans nous briser. Pour la vertu du Baptême, doit être compris, comme une alliance avec Dieu pour une seconde vie et une conversation plus pure.

The Importance of the Mass

1. The Mass is Calvary continued. 2. Every Mass is worth as much as the sacrifice of Our Lord's life, sufferings, and death. 3. Holy Mass is the most powerful atonement for your sins. 4. At the hour of death, the Masses you have heard will be your greatest consolation. 5. Every Mass will go with you to judgment and plead for pardon. 6. At Mass, you can diminish more or less temporal punishment due to your sins, according to your fervor. 7. Assisting devoutly at Holy Mass you render to the Sacred Humanity of Our Lord the greatest homage. 8. He supplies for many of your negligences and omissions. 9. He forgives the venial sins which you have not confessed. The power of Satan over you is diminished. 10. You afford the souls in Purgatory the greatest possible relief. 11. One Mass heard during your life will be of more benefit to you than many heard for you after your death. 12. You are preserved from dangers and misfortunes which otherwise might have befallen you. You shorten your stay...